What is a metal seed plate used for?

metal seed plate.PNG

Hardware wallets like Ledger Nano and Trezor are a great idea and provide much more security that software wallets, however if you lose your hardware wallet it can often mean you have lost all of your crypto currencies. This is where seed phrases come in.

A seed phrase is usually a list of 12-24 randomly selected words that can allow you to access your bitcoin on the blockchain if you lose access to your hardware wallet. An example of a seed phrase is:

witch collapse practice feed shame open despair creek road again ice least

If you are able to remember all of the words in the correct order you can easily recreate your wallet complete with all your private keys and thus gain access to your crypto currencies again. Writing the seed phrase down on paper is probably preferrable to trying to remember it - however paper is not very durable (fire, water, ink fades, pets, tearing etc.). This is where metal plates become useful, engraving your recovery seed phrase on to a metal plate is a more durable and permanent solution. You still need to keep the metal plate safe e.g. safety deposit box.

Examples of companies who offer metal seed plates for storing your crypto currencies are:

Cold Titanium - https://coldti.com

Privacy Pros - https://privacypros.io

Hodlinox - https://hodlinox.com

CypherWheel - https://cyphersafe.io

Ellipal Mnemonic Metal - https://www.ellipal.com

Blockplate - www.blockplate.com

CryptoSteel - https://cryptosteel.com

Cryptostag - https://cryptotag.io

Hodlr Swiss - https://hodlr.swiss

All of the above steel plate wallets will protect you against


  • Corrosion

  • Fire

  • Hackers

  • Rust

  • EMP (Electro Magnetic Pulse) Shocks

  • Water

Below is a link to a document containing a detailed review of a number of hardware seed storage products, it rates them on a number of factors including how resistant they are to corrosion, fire, crushing etc. We hope you find it useful.

Crypto Seed Storage Features

N.B. Please avoid any devices where the device manufacturer knows your private key!


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